3 Questions to Disarm Prospects and Break the Status Quo – Segment #5


Welcome to today’s 2-minute marketing tip for marketing-minded sales leaders and sales-minded marketing leaders!

I listened to a great podcast this week called “The Art of Charm” with AJĀ  and Jordan Harbinger. The special guest was Ian Altman of “Grow My Revenue.” There was an interesting line of discussion on Episode 427 at about the 24 minute mark on how to disarm a prospect, how to get them thinking beyond the status quo.

Really, there are 3 simple questions to facilitate that discussion.

1. If they already have an existing vendor or solution, ask them what they like best about working with that partner. Complement them on making a great choice.

2. Ask them, “Is there anything you would change, anything wish you had done differently?”

3. Is the potential of solving these problems worth a conversation? It’s just offering up the potential to have the conversation.

And, as Ian points out, this is a really effective way to disarm your prospect or customer and get them thinking. It is a great way for them to open their mind to possibilities. Whereas in many cases, when we’re pushing against status quo we get shut down in many cases.

So, great episode – I’m sure it’s going to be a great book. I’m going to pick it up and I’ll let you know how I like it.

I hope you find this helpful – have a great weekend!