5 Ways to Build a Genius (Personal) Brand

Prof. Scott Galloway — our favorite academic stud — recently released the 5 most common attributes of “Genius Brands” according to L2 research (see video below).

Even though L2 is analyzing major consumer brands, we can apply these same criteria at the individual level to build our own personal (genius) brand strategy.

5 Ways to Build a Genius Personal Brand

  1. Get personal in a meaningful way. If we focus on the individual needs of the customer, and not just pushing our own agenda, you’ll build a genius personal brand.
  2. Make it easy. Buyers prefer ease and efficiency over complicated options. Decrease the friction in the buying process and you’ll build a genius personal brand.
  3. Facilitate the handoff. Is there continuity of experience across your sales, marketing and client service teams? If you can save customers from getting whiplash as they’re passed through your teams, you’ll build a genius personal brand.
  4. Invest in strategic platforms. Are you meeting your customer where they’re at and on their terms? Is your communication aligned to their persona and preferences? If so, you’ll build a genius personal brand.
  5. What’s old is new. Are you focused on building real relationships with in-person experiences? If so, you’ll build a genius personal brand.

What are you doing to build a genius personal brand?