How to Get Published as an Industry Expert – Segment #6

Hey, it’s Jeff with your PublishorPerish.FM two-minute tip.

Today we are going to focus on how to get published as an industry expert, which helps you fast-track your trust and credibility.

Are we going to write a blog post? No. Well, maybe. Are we going to shoot a video? Yes!

We spent time a few posts ago talking about the power of publishing, the power of raising your expert profile as a problem-solver and a teacher.

However, busy sales-leaders are spending all their time with clients and are not interested in agonizing over a blog post. So the whole idea here is how you can directly contribute to your marketing team’s content calendar and editorial calendar by shooting a video, just like we’re doing here. We take our iPhone, we spin the view so the shot is on us, and we just spend a couple of minutes recording our knowledge and expertise.

We upload that file to YouTube, keep it unlisted for the time being, and you can share that link with your prospects if you want to build trust and credibility. Or, and this is how you get published, send the link to the marketing team.

Your marketing team can transcribe your great and compelling thoughts that show your charisma into the written word.  And there you have a blog post on a great topic that has combined video and is text-based. You get visual love and engagement love from your prospects and customers; you get Google love given the keyword strategy that your marketing team will use. That strategy allows busy leaders to engage in a meaningful way.

And here’s the real trick. When you are contributing thought-leadership content, here’s a great insight from Robert Rose at the Content Marketing Institute, and this applies directly to sales leaders, focus on adding value that’s separate and unique from the actual product or service that you’re selling. Add value that’s related to the product or service. Effectively, it’s summarizing findings from the peer set, talking about applications, talking about the way the client experiences have worked over time.

So that’s your tip for the day. Have a great day! Leave a “Like” and subscribe. And go build your business!