How Do You Know If You’re Successful? – Segment #7

Hey, it’s Jeff with PublishorPerish.FM with today’s 2 minute tip for marketing-minded sales leaders and sales-minded marketing leaders.

We’re thrilled you want to pursue a strategy of becoming a published industry expert. It’s the best way to build trust and credibility in your market and raise your profile as an expert, a problem-solver and a teacher.

To do that, you really need to set forth a documented content and marketing strategy to make sure you’re very efficient and effective with your time so you will be successful. So what are the components of a documented content strategy?  I learned this from my friends at the Content Marketing Institute, Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose. Of course, they focus on enterprise marketers; we’re focusing here today on sales leaders and marketing leaders. We know that this applies as well to the individual level content marketing strategies.

So first, what goals do you have? Goals are important because how do you know you’re effective unless you set forward goals? So pick a goal like new business, retention, or, say, account expansion. Pick one of the goals and be very consistent when you pick that goal because you really want to focus in and drive a really efficient and effective strategy. So pick one of your goals.

Second, content marketing mission statement. This is very critical because it’s what going to govern your activity. You don’t want to waste your time in this effort; it has to be very efficient and targeted. So your target marketing mission statement is comprised of three elements:

1. Who is the target?

Not only who from a title or company view or industry perspective, but working the persona, i.e. behaviors and motivations. Ask yourself, “What profile does this individual have?” What resonates with them?”

2.  What’s delivered?

So your content strategy will be comprised of problem-solving tips in the following sector or the following way. Really focus on how it’s delivered.

3. The outcome.

So for people that consume your content, what outcome can they expect?  Get smarter, be more efficient, save money, grow the top line, etc.

These three components are very critical because they govern your activities and make you very efficient.

Next, you want to really focus on your theme or your story. This is important because you pick a theme and just hammer against that theme again and again over a considerable period of time, like say, a year, or a quarter, or a half year, or even longer. But really, just look at that theme from all of the angles. If you do this the customers will know what to expect from you as you explore the nuances of that theme.

And lastly, once you have the theme and the story you want to tell, then pick your assets. Are you going to express yourself via video, white papers, blogs?

And then pick your channels. And so, based upon the consistency of your strategy will then determine the channels I use. Am I going to publish on my own website, am I going to release it through social media? Pick a couple, very small amounts, like maybe two, and do them very well and very consistently.

I’d love to dig into this a little more. So leave a comment, “Like” or subscribe for more detailed information on how to build your profile as a teacher and problem-solver.

Have a great afternoon and go build your business!