Why Sales Analytics? [Webinar]

Do you like surprises? For your birthday — yes! For your sales forecast — absolutely not.

No one likes a surprise miss of their sales goals.

How can you avoid surprises and never miss your sales forecast again? Well, that depends upon your answer to the three questions below.

  1. Do you have a well-defined sales process?
  2. Are expectations clear and is there a consistent operational rhythm?
  3. Do you consistently generate reporting that reinforces accountability and yields sales insights?

If the answer is yes, then you’re well positioned to launch a sales analytics program and hopefully never miss your sales forecast again.

Below is the video playback of the Why Sales Analytics webinar recorded in December 2017. We start with the basics and finish with our favorite sales productivity templates.

We cover the following topics in the webinar:

  • The Impact and Value of a Sales Analytics Program
  • Actuals Analysis and Historical Data
  • Current Pipeline Examination Methods
  • Sales Team Analysis
  • Q&A


If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you and we hope you’re never surprised by your sales forecast again.