Silence Does Not Equal Rejection – Segment #11

Jeff here with today’s 2 minute tip from PublishorPerish.FM for marketing-minded sales leaders and sales-minded marketing leaders.

I heard this great podcast on the way home so I had to stop and shoot this quick recommendation. The podcast is a bonus episode on the Art of Charm podcast show with Steli Efti and it’s just after 435. Boy, did I ever learn a lot – and boy can Steli Efti talk!

I’m going to give you a couple of shortcuts directly into the episode. As a matter of fact, the marketers may want to turn this off as this is a really hardcore sales episode.

The goal here is “formula for hustle.” Steli Efti provided three levels to his formula for hustle.

1. Show up.

2. Follow up.

3. Go for the close.

He spent a large amount of time focusing on follow up. And how, really, we don’t follow up nearly as much as we should. And, in fact, you have to take responsibility for following up until a result is reached. So many times, and in so many situations, we end up in the maybe zone. Maybe yes, maybe no, things drag on. That is really not productive for anyone. You really want to try to work towards a yes or a no so we can be definitive and keep moving forward.

Steli Efti told a story of how there have been occasions when he has followed up 48 times. The type of follow up he does is really dependent on the importance and urgency of the issue, and how excited he is to move it forward. That type of persistence, of course, is really critical. Efti advises “Don’t take silence as a “no” or rejection. Take silence as a lack of priority.”

Another interesting insight that Efti discusses in the podcast is wondering if sales professionals would be concerned about  looking annoying or needy if they’re too persistent.  His response is that sales is his job, to get stuff done and to create value to move things forward. So if that means that I have to have 6 out of 10 people think I’m annoying, and 4 out of 10 feel I create significant value for them, then I’m all for that. So don’t worry about silence.

And don’t worry about rejection either. Remember that we are in business to drive solutions forward. As long as you’re professional and respectful, the value you create is worth it.

I’d love to know what YOU have to say.

When you follow up, do you literally say “I’m follow up” or do you have very specific value to create or content to share each time to make it relevant?

Would love to hear your thoughts – thought this was a great episode of The Art of Charm with Steli Efti.

As always, think like a marketer but sell like an animal.

Find the full episode on the Art of Charm podcast (BONUS just after #435).