What is Social Profile Equity?

Social Profile Equity is earned as a result of an investment in your Linkedin profile by publishing thoughtful problem-solving content to build trust and credibility with your clients and prospects. It’s very hard to transact (e.g. share, like, tweet) your way to building Social Profile Equity since most social selling interactions get buried in the timeline. A way to advance your social selling effort and get on a path to publishing success is to develop a Personal Content Marketing strategy.

Social Network ProfileIn pursuit significance, sales pros almost exclusively validate themselves with transactional and volumetric measures like quota achievement, calls, emails, followers, shares and likes. While achieving volumetric social selling goals is a strong signal of success, it’s still superficial and fleeting. Social selling activity may help solve a prospect’s problem at a point-in-time, but you’ll be back to square one unless you take a few extra minutes to publish your unique point-of-view to a consistent location (e.g. your Linkedin profile.)

Strong Social Profile Equity enables the faster advancement of conversations with prospects to meaningful solutions. You can skip right past the time you’d usually spend validating/proving your knowledge.

Your Linkedin profile is an asset.  To build Social Profile Equity, publish a consolidated series of content in a prominent place that can be easily found. This (content marketing) approach will elevate your profile as an expert in your field and make you more productive in the long run.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to know how these apply to your business.