Glory Stories and Wrecking Your Audience: How to Stick to an Editorial Theme [Step 3 of 7] Episode #28

First step in driving Social Selling success (01:25)
Personalize your LinkedIn profile to break through with prospects (02:10)
Glory stories on video? Do they attract prospects? (04:40)
Sticking to an editorial theme [step 3 of 7] (07:45)
Miley Cyrus and the fight for focus (09:30)
Bruce Lee on Social Selling (10:32)
How to pick a topic/theme (11:36)
Consistency as a way to sharpen your sword (14:15)
Learn more by doing more…and screaming at Weber (14:45)

This week we are focusing on CONSISTENCY and how to stick to an editorial theme.

  1. Key Learnings. This week I held my first BLAB! ( My colleague Sales Development Rep (SDR) Steve Weber and Life Coach Leah joined me in a show called Social Selling Set Up for SDR’s. We talked about using LinkedIn and showing how you need to be a problem solver and the importance of attractive headlines. We also talked about personalization to show that you are a real person with real goals and desires. We use the Summary to tell a story about ourselves. The goal of a SDR is to make a connection and set a meeting. So what can you do to break through to your audience? We learned about using life stories (and that is where Weber’s baseball story comes in.)
  2. Transformation. This week we are on Step 3 of 7 in our “7 Steps to Transform from a Sales Leader to a Thought Leader” series. This week we are focusing on consistency. Week 1 was about goals and Week 2 was about having a mission statement. This week is about consistency and sticking to an editorial theme. It is very important that you identify a theme for your content and stick to it. In fact, hammer, hammer, hammer on it. The more focused and consistent you are, the better your content will translate into higher lead scores. Your goal is to publish and build a platform. Robert Rose, Content Marketing Institute, reminds us to pick a theme related to your product or services and stick to it. In doing so, you will command authority.
  3. Reviews. This week I review Podcast #103 of PNR (Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose) “This Old Marketing” by the Content Marketing Institute. The title of the podcast is “Consistent Content is Key…and Most Brands Can’t…” This was a great podcast on the importance of consistency. The three keys to consistency are 1.) Showing up, 2.) Be consistent, and 3.) Learn more by doing. It is only in the doing and consistently delivering that you will grow and learn. The key takeaway is to learn more by doing more.

What are you ideas about consistency and sticking to an editorial theme? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

And, as always, think like a marketer and sell like an animal!